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Medicine overuse can have serious side effects and sometimes these side effects can be life-threatening. Many over-the-counter medications and supplements can be harmful for health. Normally over the counter medicines are not dangerous if taken in moderation, when you consume them regularly and sometimes even multiple times in a single day, there can be alarming repercussions. For example, if you take painkillers for a long time without breaks, they can harm your kidneys and can damage them permanently. Excessive consumption of antacid can give rise to nausea, vomiting, mood swings and kidney stones. Tests can be done to study the side effects of medicine overuse. Since medicine overuse can harm various organs and tissues in your body, you can have multiple medicine overuse tests such as kidney function test, liver function test, complete hemogram test and even a basic preventive package.
Medicine overuse can have both long-term and short-term effects depending on the strength of the medicine in the period over which you have been taking them. Therefore, whenever you are taking medicines, it is very essential that you take them under professional supervision and make sure that your doctor knows that you are taking these medicines. Medicines are made of powerful ingredients and chemicals and when taken in excess, they can have serious repercussions for your health. When a doctor prescribes you a medicine he or she knows, according to the diagnosis, how much medicine you can take, and the side effects of which medicine your physical disposition can bear.
These days medicines are sold under restrictions but there are many over-the-counter medicines for which you don’t need regular prescription. Sometimes people keep on using the same prescription to purchase medicines repeatedly.
Here are some medicines that people often overuse:
Most of these medications often don’t require a medical prescription and can be purchased over-the-counter.
Some of the common side effects of these medicines are
Serious side effects may include kidney failure, liver infection, stomach ulcers and respiratory problems.
If you believe that you have been indulging in medicine overuse, then you must get yourself a medicine overuse test. Since overusing medicines is a habit-related problem, there is no direct laboratory test for medicine overuse, but there are many related tests to find out whether overusing medicines have affected your health in a negative way. Your doctor may advise, based on your symptoms, liver function test, a kidney function test, an alkaline phosphate serum test, a urine routine and microscopy, a complete hemogram test, an SGOT/AST test and an SGPT/ALT test. Based on your unique condition, the doctor may even suggest other tests.
How do I know that I’m indulging in medicine overuse?
Medicines are supposed to cure; why do they have side effects?
Is medicine overuse life-threatening?
What is the difference between prescription medicines and over-the-counter medicines?
What test should I go for if I have been indulging in medicine overuse?
Lipid Profile / Liver Function Test / Iron Studies / Hb1ac / Glucose Fasting / Complete Blood Count / Urine Routine Examination / Thyroid Profile / Kidney Function Test / PSA / CA125 / Vitamin B12 / Vitamin D3 / Hs CRP / Immunoglobulin E / GS-Basic / GS-Basic 50M / GS-Basic 50F / GS-Advance / GS-Advance 50M / GS-Advance 50F / Immunity Panel / Allergy Check / Diabetes Check / Cardiac Panel / Fever Panel
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