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Eating poorly can lead to many deficiencies and then these deficiencies lead to many ailments and diseases. Eating poorly doesn’t just mean eating less; it can also mean eating more. Poor eating habits can lead to an emaciated body, being overweight or obese, osteoporosis, heart disease, mental problems, high or low blood pressure, glucose imbalance, poor thinking, lack of coordination, tooth decay and sometimes, even cancer. Tests can be done to find out what damage is being caused due to eating poorly. You can get a hemogram test done to find out the side effects of eating poorly. There are ferritin and folic acid tests. You can also get your iron levels, Vitamin B12 levels and Vitamin D levels through individualized serum tests.
Poor eating shouldn’t be confused with eating less. Although, if you’re not eating sufficiently, you are indulging in poor eating, even if you eat lots of unhealthy food, you’re eating poorly. There can be many harmful effects of poor eating such as
These themselves are health problems but they can also lead to other health problems, for example, weaker bones can cause bone deformities. Tooth decay can lead to infections inside your mouth and sometimes even inside your stomach. High blood pressure can lead to brain hemorrhage. Lack of energy can lead to a deteriorated quality of life, and this then leads to many more illnesses. Basically, it can turn into a vicious cycle.
There is no standardized test for eating poorly, but there are certainly tests for various organs and functions of your body that can indicate the adverse effect of eating poorly. For example, a complete hemogram test can reveal deficiencies in your blood caused by ailments that are facilitated by poor eating. A ferritin test reveals if there is iron deficiency in the blood because you haven’t been eating foods rich in iron. A folic acid test shows level of vitamin B 9 which is essential for the production of healthy red blood cells which in turn are responsible for carrying oxygen across various body parts.
Other tests that can lead to ailments due to poor eating include the Vitamin D total-25 hydroxy test, Vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin test, and iron serum test.
Is there a test to find out if I’m eating poorly?
Are there some visible signs of eating poorly?
Can health problems created by poor eating be reversed?
What is an eating poorly test?
Are there doctors for poor eating that can recommend a test?
Lipid Profile / Liver Function Test / Iron Studies / Hb1ac / Glucose Fasting / Complete Blood Count / Urine Routine Examination / Thyroid Profile / Kidney Function Test / PSA / CA125 / Vitamin B12 / Vitamin D3 / Hs CRP / Immunoglobulin E / GS-Basic / GS-Basic 50M / GS-Basic 50F / GS-Advance / GS-Advance 50M / GS-Advance 50F / Immunity Panel / Allergy Check / Diabetes Check / Cardiac Panel / Fever Panel
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